

Kenneth Hollis

Tell us a little bit about the founder of Black Marks the Spot.

Most travelers can vividly remember their first overseas trip. For me, it was Paris, France in 2014. Everything about the trip made me feel all types of beautiful emotions. My daily morning routine was to find a coffee shop nearby and enjoy a delicious noisette (shot of espresso with cream) with some fresh bread. I would sit down for about an hour and soak in the beautiful atmosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this magnificent city from the Arc de Triomphe to the delicious strawberry crepes sold by street vendors.

Shortly after I returned to the states from Paris, still in awe of my adventurous trip I felt a sense of emptiness. A new passion for international travel was growing at a rapid pace within me.

Fast forward five years later and my travel resume now includes six continents, 47 different countries and checked off all seven man-made Wonders of the World. Click here to see the journey.

What does the founder want to accomplish with Black Marks the Spot?

I want to share my knowledge with the world and become an advocate for the travel community. I feel that with my experience and your eagerness to travel, we can put our minds together and board this plane en route to endless possibilities.

What does Black Marks the Spot stand for?

Black Marks the Spot is more than a brand; it’s a culture for like-minded travelers to join so that we can help you reach the ends of the earth. We want to help instill a sense of fulfillment in your lives when it comes to jet-setting. One of our goals is to help guide the misinformed and show people parts of the world they never knew existed.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

Join us and become a BMS (Black Marks the Spot) Ambassador. During your travels around the world, we want you to know that you are apart of something special. BMS ambassadors will get monthly newsletters, updates on new promotions, and the chance to receive custom travel apparel. And Much More. Click the link below to join for free.

***Click Here to become a BMS Ambassador***